“Why is Krishna one of the most significant lives of human beings ever?”
Conversation with the Gatekeeper
“First let me put Krishna’s life into perspective. There are seven major events that occurred in the last ten thousand years, which created communication between heaven and earth or between the physical earth and spirit. Each event is very significant and the major lawgivers in those lives changed the destiny of humankind. Chronologically, they are:
When Vishnu saved the worlds’ seas from being poisoned and received the poison mark around his neck. This event is recorded in the Hindu faith.
When Krishna fought the final battle against the King of Evil in Sri Lanka. This event is also recorded in the Hindu faith.
When Abraham reached a covenant with God. This event is recorded in the Jewish faith.
When Moses ‘received’ the Ten Commandments. This event is recorded in the Jewish faith.
When Buddha gave his instructions on righteous living. This event is recorded in the Buddhist faith.
When Lao Tzu codified the Way. This event is recorded in Daoism, and,
When Mohammed received Islamic Law and the one thousand names of God. This event is recorded in Islamic faith.
Altogether these make up the history of the giving of the law Krishna played an important role in it. It is our purpose to discuss the revelations of the law.”
“Does Jesus Christ have a role in the revelation of the law?”
“Jeshua (I like to call him by his Hebrew name) came to fulfil the law. This event, the most important of all, is recorded in the Christian faith. We will explore the role of St Germain played in three events of the giving of the law, his lives as Krishna and as Lao Tzu and his life as Aaron, the brother of Moses, then eventually we will come to his role as a father, as Josuf ben Mathias, the father of Jeshua.”
“Who decided to reveal the law in seven stages to humans?”
“It wasn’t one person. It was a consultative decision, a circle of masters led by Lord Sananda who determines all purposes on earth and the archangel, who is appointed as guardian of the Earth whom we will call by his Sanskrit name Sanat Kumara. We will also call the Son of God by his Sanskrit name, Lord Sananda, because of its cultural neutrality – his other names could be a source of conflict. Sanat Kumara is the entity in charge of this planet Earth which is a special place, a proving ground, a school, a retraining establishment, a second chance, where a being gets a chance to progress based on their success. He is consulted on the Earth’s purpose and all who inhabit it. The Circle of Masters includes those who played a major role; St Germain, Mary, El Moyra and Hilarion in the revelation of the law.”
“Because the law is revealed in seven stages, does it mean that to understand and follow God’s law you would need to study exactly what is revealed at each step?”
“One would have to be highly developed to bear the burden of that revelation. All stages are not equal. It is easy for a child to understand Mosaic Law, that is simply recorded and you can count to ten on two hands, but it is difficult with Vishnu’s and Mohammed’s teachings to see what is true and what has been tarnished over time.”
“Of the circle of masters, Lord Sananda is involved in the revelationary process three times; El Moyra twice as Abraham and Mohammed; Hilarion twice as Moses and Krishna. Why is St Germain also included twice in the revelatory process?”
“St Germain is the prime establisher of innovation in language, poetry, art, science, dance, music, entertainment, philosophy, engineering, navigation, exploration and medicine. He is the world’s start-up merchant; and secondly, apart from Hermes, St Germain has the most highly developed communication skills. He is the disseminator of knowledge and understanding and is a sublime teacher.”
“Why are there no women, and only one feminine energy involved in this revelation of the law?”
“Vishnu, Buddha and Jeshua ben Joseph have yin and yang in balance, they have no duality. Lord Sananda, the Son of God, is also the Daughter of God, who chose in his three lives to experience life as a man. Because Lord Sananda is both energies, he could fulfil the law by Himself. While Yin is twilight, softness and understanding, it is also the promulgator and the teacher of order; while yang is day, an electric charge and a blinding light so it is also the revelatory energy and therefore it is necessary to reveal and pronounce. Both energies work together and both are equal and necessary to make a whole.
In a different time it would be more acceptable for the Buddha or the Christ to be a woman. But is that time even now? How many women do you have leading Australia? How many Presidents of France have been women or chancellors of Germany? How many have been Prime Ministers of Japan, China, Thailand or Indonesia? When it is more than fifty percent and no one comments on the event then women will have reached equality and the Christ and the Buddha can be female. St Germain is very effective in revelations because he has a greater understanding of yin than any other entity.”

“Rather than wait for the world to produce female leaders, perhaps some Divine leadership could kick down a few doors first! Where are the lives of Mary in the giving of the law?”
“Mary is the co-founder, partner and colleague in the founding of all spiritual movements. Mary is Abraham’s wife, Sara; Vishnu’s mother, Sara; the Buddha’s mother, Maya, Jeshua’s mother, Mary and she is Mohammed’s wife. These are the roles the times would allow women. However, she also assumes male lives often as the patient and accurate recorder of the law as a scribe Luke, the evangelist, is one example. Trust me, you will find her.”
“But eventually she is wife and mother, nurturing and teaching and ensuring her husband’s and son’s success. We’ll debate this for years.”
“No! We will deal with it now! Birthing a spiritual movement requires a female identity to establish an idea and grow it as a faith. Mary is fit for that purpose. She has the magisterial authority of motherhood; the ability to move between worlds; and she is always in a ministering or servant role even when she is a king or a queen. Mary says to tell you that of all of her titles Theotakos – the god bearer –is an amazing honour. She plays a role in the birthing of all spiritual movements. She is Nefertiti to Akhenaton; she is Sara, the wife of Abraham; she is Maya, the mother of Buddha; she is Isis, the wife of the saviour Osiris and the mother of Horus and she is Mary, the mother of Jeshua.”
“Where is she in Krishna’s or Lao Tzu’s story?”
“She is reticent; she stands back when you want to push her forward. Follow her trail of breadcrumbs and see where they lead.”
“Why are the Jews chosen three times in Abraham, Moses and Jeshua, why not the Chinese or the Africans?”
“The Jews come from the centre of the world energetically journeying as they did from Ancient Sumer to Palestine. Isaiah said: ‘Ye are a people set apart.’ They were set apart socially and culturally by Mosaic dietary law, but mostly they were set apart by their belief in one God. No matter how many of their sons were killed in war or by famine, they would still have Jewish sons because their religious ethnicity was passed down the female line. They were chosen to be apart although with each Diaspora when they’d be scattered to the corners of the earth, Jews were like mercury, they may be split but they still remained mercury. Other cultures when they are spilt they are like water and are absorbed by the third generation. They are people set apart to stop God’s word and philosophy becoming diluted. Works written five thousand years ago are still being repeated and so clearly that the Old Testament is traceable historically and archeologically in a way the New Testament, which has been changed, cannot be traced as easily. Neither the Chinese or the Africans have these characteristics.”
“Why is the event with Krishna so significant that it is acknowledged as part of the giving of the law?”
“One of the alternative titles of the King of Sri Lanka was the King of Chaos. He was the head of a sect which corresponded closely to the anarchists. If he was allowed to sow his seeds he would have put back the rule of law many centuries. It would have been a great triumph for the Dark.”
“But Gatekeeper, Krishna’s legends raise many questions: where is the historical Krishna, who was he, where and when did he live and what did he do of such moment that he was to be immortalised in the Hindu’s sacred text? Did he achieve a specific purpose? If so, what was the purpose of his life and why does it need to be explored as a life of St Germain and not as one of Hilarion?
And there’s more! The Bhagavad-Gita does not describe Krishna fighting a battle against a king in Sri Lanka, it describes him fighting his relatives somewhere in Southern India and freeing the world of demons. Why is there such a discrepancy between the holy text and your assertions?”
“Slow down! Why don’t we take your questions one by one?”
“Okay. Give me a picture of him from your point of view. Let’s begin with where he was born and the details surrounding his birth?”