Mysticism had always intrigued me...
As a Catholic, that most supernatural and mystic of faiths, I am well versed in miracles, mysteries and prophetic teachings. Prophets who were able to have a direct experience of God or communicated with angels like Isaiah or saints like St Hildegard of Bingen or Theresa of Avila provided me with fresh insights into human dilemma. Why not ask them or other historical characters what really happened to them? Surely after their deaths they would have all the answers. The question was how?
I had never heard of channeling until I read Shirley MacLaine’s Dancing in the Light (1986) and it seemed to be a new name for the process prophets and saints who, in meditations and dreams, were given insights and revelations. It appeared to be a method to stretch through time to gain answers and to unlock history’s secrets.
It was a process by which a person could communicate and receive information from a non-physical being. It’s somewhat like a television channel; a path along which signals can be sent from a distant transmitter to the receiver who can interact with the transmitter while they receive data, images, light or healing energy.

Then I read that someone had channeled a being called St Germain who had been a French Count in revolutionary France but he had also been Merlin, Francis Bacon, Christopher Columbus, Roger Bacon and the Prophet Samuel. Here was someone who had a good resume: Magician, attorney general, explorer, philosopher and mystic and was intelligent, articulate, widely published and available … a man with answers. All I had to do was to find someone who could channel him. That exercise would take two years.
On a Sunday night, in a late Sydney summer, when the currawongs whistled to one another well after dark and the cicadas drummed hard, I sat waiting for Peter Abraham, who it was hoped, would channel St Germain.
I had everything; a list of questions, a tape recorder, a notebook, pens and spare batteries. As soon as the birds and the barking dogs had settled, Peter together with friends led an invocation, then guided the meditation and prayers to open a sacred space to allow beings of great power to come through and enter his body. A host of beings, with both familiar and strange names, would speak for about an hour. First, a group of angels cleared the room followed by other beings familiar to metaphysical literature: Master Kuthumi with Lady Portia, Lord Esarion, El Moyra, and Master Hilarion with Lady Nada, Djwal Kuhl and Lady Leto, Pallas Athene, Serapis Bey and Lakshimi, but no St Germain. Some of them whom the participants called masters would speak through Peter or his friend Michaela Clinton providing guidance. While other masters remained quietly watching. Their presence and movement around the room was vividly described by the channel and others who could perceive their unseen presence.
Then a being called Lord Sananda entered, unannounced.
Everyone seemed to know who Lord Sananda was; they welcomed him with beaming faces. When he said, “I speak as ‘Jeshua’”, the cicadas suddenly stopped drumming as if ready to listen and I felt a pulse of excitement go through the room. He spoke gently, recounting a parable about patience and mercy using the Middle Eastern imagery of the natural beauty and fruitfulness of the vines, the vibrant colour of the flowers and lilies of the field and his love for his flock: his children. When he left us, we remained in contemplation for fifteen minutes until there was a rustle and the dog started barking loudly and the cicadas joined him.

St Germain had arrived. Those who saw him clairvoyantly described a vision of a bearded man with glossy black hair in a violet cloak, spinning like a top, sparkling with amethyst and gold, an electric shock crackling through time. After the peace and lyricism of Lord Sananda, we laughed at his dramatic entrance. He spoke precisely through Peter offering advice, answering the groups’ questions on healing, career progression, conflict resolution, dancing, music and spiritual development. He was charming, compassionate, witty, wise but ultimately, quirky.
On this first occasion, Peter, while channeling him, rose from his chair, came over to me and said, “Give me your hand.” I was reluctant to do so because I had been constantly warned never to touch a channel while they were channeling for fear of causing them a shock. “Give me your hand,” he insisted. I held it out and he kissed it. I was very surprised. “Don’t you know who I am?” he asked. “Yes, you are St Germain, and you are a Master.”
“And what is that?” he asked. Tongue-tied, I could not answer him. My God, I was thinking, he’s reading my mind about him having a good resume when he probably runs the universe and he thinks I’m patronising. No wonder he wants me to find out what a Master is! St Germain moved on complimenting the woman sitting next to me on the birth of her son. I did not ask one question but I decided to find out more about St Germain and what it meant to be a Master.
That decision would take me to places I never thought I would go.