It was a desert father from second century Egypt called Anthony who shocked me when he leapt from Christian history to pagan myth.
He described the role of Mother Mary as the pagan goddesses Ishtar and Isis and as Nefertiti, the wife of the Egyptian pharaoh who promoted one god.
“Stop. I don’t like this!” The desert father paused taken aback while I thought about his disconcerting message. “How could the Holy Mother, the Virgin Mary, be a pagan goddess?” As a Catholic, convent-educated woman, Our Lady, as I called Mary, and she was a pure and holy mother as far removed from paganism as it was possible. “There has to be another explanation”, I said. “Possibly, the characteristics of the goddess Isis could have been appropriated by the Christian priesthood and given over to Mary," the desert father continued. " Isis, the goddess, could have been changed into Mary when her qualities, titles and ceremonies were attributed to Our Lady. Appropriation did, in fact, occur but it does not detract from the fact that Mary had been, in her previous lives both Isis and Nefertiti."
“How can you prove this assertion? Are there any ancient Egyptian records? Is there any archaeological evidence? Has this claim been explored before by scholars?”
“I am speaking truly whether you can verify what I say or not!”

Because esoteric literature was silent on Mary’s past lives, I used Michaela Clinton, Peter’s friend, as a channel and I asked to speak to St Germain. I did this without any prior discussion with Michaela about what I was going to ask to avoid any suggestive influences. “Did Mary have any ancient Egyptian lives?” I asked him. “Yes, many,” he replied. “Could you give me the name of any life she had which I would know about in the twentieth century?” “Yes, Nefertiti.” “Any others? Was she, for example, ever an object of worship?” “Yes, as the goddesses Hathor and Isis.” (Litchfield, 2003)
Asking one channel to verify information from another channel is unusual and is not, of course, proof. All it could do was provide some form of collaboration.
Nevertheless, I tried my third channel, Peter. I gave him no background, simply asking him if I could speak to anyone who came through him. After we had prayed together to ask for absolute protection and quality of transmission, a being came through immediately, who demanded, “You have a question!”
“Do you know the names of any lives …?”
“Your answer is Isis, Nefertiti and Ishtar.” The voice was stern and it was unmistakably St Germain. A lecture followed: “You are right to question your sources and always be skeptical, but would you have questioned them if you were told Mother Mary was St Brigid? I think not. Would not such information have been consistent with your limited view of her magnificence? Be aware of your Catholic religious conditioning, how it will colour your view of truth. You are receiving information, which is being revealed to you. You can continue to seek out confirmation but unless you can gain access to some texts written in ancient languages or to the scrolls of the desert Fathers of Egypt, you will not receive any confirmation using your traditional methods. You will have to trust that ‘there are more things in heaven and earth, than are dreamt ofin your philosophy’”. (Abraham, 2003)
Blood drained from my face. I realized I was transgressing into a realm of knowledge hidden behind the institutional veils maintained by churches, royalty, scholars and secret societies and I did not know where it would lead me. Although his lecture produced a temporary respite from my forensic style, I would eventually become accustomed to lift the hem of the institutional veils to peer underneath.
Back to the Gatekeeper, I asked “Who was Mary?”
“Do you mean Miriam? Mother of Jeshua?” he asked.
“Yes”, I replied. “Well, Mary is an avatar, a bright light. She is Isis, Asteroth, Brigitte, Artemis, Diana, and Demeter; they are all the same entity. She’s Omnguma, an African goddess, the original of the Black Madonna and she’s Hunan and Kwan Yin to the Chinese and Sarah in the Bible to the Jews. She is also the feminine of the masculine energy you call St Germain! They are all one! ” [Litchfield, 2003]
Reluctantly I expanded my view of Mother Mary and moved on to other issues.
I had been prompted by friends to write the stories of all the Masters’ lives, and of St Germain and of Mary in particular. It was a book I imagined as a hagiography of praise for the genius and piety of their earthly lives, a retelling of their stories from a Jeshua-Christ-on-a-good-day point of view. While St Germain reinforced the idea that I should write a book, it should be, he said about all the Masters’ lives not just him and Mary; his was a much-expanded view of my enterprise.
“That is a decade’s work” I protested.
“Ten year’s work is a blink in your soul’s existence for a valuable enterprise.
For it is a powerful document you seek to undertake. Some will view it as heretical, some will view it as flights of fancy, some will view it as totally incredulous, but we know and understand what it is. It is the story of The Line to God about each one of us, and each one of you, who has a pathway back to God, a map which lives in your genetic code, and we would seek not to censor it in any way. We would uncompromisingly entreat you to write truthfully.
After this commissioning I assumed that some being would dictate every word I needed ... I assumed that the channellers would easily be available for this purpose… something like the Jane Roberts’ experience with the dictation she received from the discarnate being, Seth, or the experience of Neale Donald Walsh when he wrote Conversations with God, by typing questions into his computer and instantly receiving the replies. Instead, and quite suddenly, everything became more difficult. Relevant information came as a fragment here or a morsel there. The whole painful process reminded me of how some seals are fed in captivity. To keep them active and alert, their keepers hide their food in thin plastic containers which are buried under rocks at the bottom of their plunge pools. The seals have to retrieve the container, bring it to the surface while at the same time grabbing a rock in their flippers. Then while they are lying of the surface of the water, they have to use the rock to smash open the container. Finally, they get to swallow a small fish. Similarly I was teased with truth and kept active and alert pursuing my goal.